A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Created by Walker McDonald with assets from MSU



- Reworked the game loop to be an infinite arena rather than a series of levels

- Recolored and altered the capabilities of all 3 base weapons (including making the shotgun and electrogun into movement tools)

- Replaced the main menu with a simple lobby level which displays high score and game information


- Modeled a simple arena for the game to take place in using Blender

- Created a lava particle effect for the floor of the arena

- Tweaked ammo pickup quantities to better fit the new weapon mechanics

- Made enemies spawn platforms on death

- Took advantage of a bug where the player can stand on extremely steep slopes

- Fixed the pistol clipping inside the camera's near clipping plane when firing

- Fixed the flying self-destruct enemies not dealing damage


Windows.zip 31 MB
MacOS.zip 40 MB


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